Crisis Point: Extinction 2023 public demo release!

Good news, everyone: the 2023 public demo update for Crisis Point: Extinction is finished, and ready for you to play RIGHT NOW!

I won't be doing a traditional changelog for it, the previous demo is so outdated that there's no way I could remember everything that was changed, but some of the big bulletpoints are:

-New 360 aiming! Instead of being locked to 8 directions, and aiming being tied to your movement, now you can aim and move completely seperately, and aiming can be done in any direction. This also means we now have proper gameplay mouse support, so no more awkward keyboard fumbling!
-Updated visuals! Lots of small changes here, like animation improvements for Alicia (both in gameplay and in sex scenes), and some major ones as well like our improved lighting engine.
-Increased screen resolution! Previously, Crisis Point ran at 640x480, but now the game runs at 960x540 - exactly half of your standard 1080p monitor. Not only will it upscale nicer on most monitors now, but the increased screen size means you can see more of the game while you play.
-Completely redesigned UI! With the screen resolution increase, the old UI needed to be changed, and we decided to redesign it from the ground up to be easier to use, with larger fonts and more room for descriptive text!
-Wire Shot rework! The old Wire Shot was pretty inconvenient and unsatisfying to use, and we've reworked it completely for a smoother gameplay experience. Instead of needing to manually aim (and wait for a long animation if you missed your target), the Wire Shot now auto-targets - and instead of pulling platforms down to you, then waiting for them to rise back up, now you'll quickly grapple up to the platform yourself instead, making it MUCH quicker and more satisfying to use!
-Optional hints system! Now, if you ever get stuck and can't figure out what to do, you can go back to camp and talk to Rodriguez, who will offer you advice on what you should be doing next. This is completely optional and the game never prompts you to do it, so if you'd rather figure everything out yourself, you still can!

There's loads of other changes in addition to those, but those are the biggest ones! I've mentioned it before, but this demo still has the same amount of content as the 2019 public demo - you can play up to the second boss fight, and explore the Caves and Summit areas. This demo update does not bring *new* content, but is meant to bring the public demo up to the current game's quality. Even if you've played the 2019 demo all the way through, I highly recommend checking it out - things have changed a lot since then, and Crisis Point feels like a brand new game!

Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy this 2023 demo update!


Crisis Point Extinction 2023 public 121 MB
Mar 05, 2023

Get Crisis Point: Extinction 2023 Public Demo


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im stuck on the tar level and idk how to get past it. i cant jump high enough

I played your game/ I ll wwrite it like this. I really liked the game? not only because it s +18, but also because of the gameplay. I enjoyed playing this game , i found news from the 23rd year. I was very worried that the game might not be released at all. Iwoula like support you , but the cartridge is not available in our-suntry .I m afraid to do it through VPN / I hope that the game wili be released in the 25th year. And the fact that the game was not abandoned .

great game.

The voiceacting music art the style. its all SO good!

It would be cool to be able to change keys or confirm and shoot with the f or e key. most games have me going this and using j took a little getting used to.

Thank you for the kind words, I'm glad you enjoy the game!

As far as controls, every input in Crisis Point is fully rebindable, for both mouse+keyboard and gamepads, just take a look in the options menu. The only thing that's unsupported is side mouse buttons, which is unfortunately an engine limitation so there's nothing I can do about it for now.

Android version pls

We will not be making a mobile version of the game at any point. Crisis Point's controls are far too complicated for a touch screen, the game would be unplayable, and we don't have the time or budget to support mobile devices.

only white screen when i run the game

Is there a way to use the old aiming system? I actually preferred that since aiming with a mouse requires me to plug in a mouse and that's legitimately more annoying that using a keyboard to aim.

Use a controller

I've always had a better time with keyboard controls tho? Not a fan of other controllers.


Thanks for the new demo, that was a blast to play! The new aiming is much nicer to play with, the new lighting looks amazing, and I love the new UI.


Keep up the good work!! This game is super underrated.

I love the work you guys are doing with this game. I've been following it and checking very frequently. When will more content be released for it?